i have live journal now....
Thursday June 24th
Been fun summer, HELLS YEA! Um tired, didn't get in til 430am this morning,
got work in less then 2 hours....lets see, been partyin this summer, think the girls are doin a power hour tonight (i'm supervisin!)
yea don't relaly know what all to write. buh bye :-p
Saturday June 19th
So i called the police tonight....ok so i went to potomac desk to keep kristi
company...and some jackass tries to sneak in with a fake id (yes i'm on probation for the same thing but still! he got caught
and lied and tried to play it off)
so i leave the desk with krisi a lil riled up....leavin Ehi to work at the
desk...Ehi is drunk (and prolly stoned!) ...smellin of bacardi (my fav drink, so of course i noticed it right away!he just
came from the party that i was supposed to go to tonite...luckily i didin't-there was a fight and police were called, no write
ups, they just made sure everything was ok. we walk back to our apartment and notice that the party is now on our front steps..yes
y'all 25 ppl drunk (and also prolly stoned too!) were hangin out at our apartment at 330 am, half the ppl must of gone home,
cuz only 25-30 ppl are outside....we want to sleep, i have desk shift at 11am and kristi is on duty. so we go out on the balcony
and tell the guys we know to quiet cuz the RA's apartment is a floor above us...and to go somewhere else, aka, harbor courtyard
or erickson courtyard, pretty much just the hell away from our apartment please! it wasn't workin yellin from the balcony
so i went down the stairs to the front stoop talked to one of my friends who was way to drunk so i walked away to try and
tell another one of my guy friends to move on out of there. The first guy grabs my wrist and says "hold up" this is
where i start to get freaked out...then another guy (creepy guy) walks up to me and goes "i'll pay you $1000 not to complain,
i can i'm for real my dad is rich and i am guarenteed a job at his attorny's office when i graduate and a $1000 if you shut
the fuck up!" Ok at this point FREAKED THE FUCK OUT! Went back up to our apartment yelled "take the $1000
and shove it up ur ass!"....and quickly locked the door. I didn't care anymore, i don't care if some of them were my
friends, we warned them, we warned them again later, we asked nicely for them to leave, how DARE they grab me, pull me, and
think they can put their hands on me. I ran to the phone, half shakin, and called x55555 (never thought i'd actually
have to call them) reported what happened. Within 2 minutes 3 officers were here....but the ppl had already started
to leave. All 25 ppl COMPLETELY drunk, were allowed to leave AND DRIVE!!!!! the officers just watched them walk away.
In astonishment we went over to the police and pointed out that the LARGE group of ppl walkin to CARS were the ones that they
were called for and that they were DRUNK and planning to DRIVE away!!!!!!! So what did the officers do? NOTHING, well thats
a lie, they did QUESTION out intentions and say "what do you mean they aren't able to drive, and they shoulden't be driving?"
they still let them just walk to there cars, and u see head lights drivin away, and brake lights lightin up....the officers
stand there, the bike cops pedals away....i am sooooo pissed i am NOT OK with drinkin and driving, this is riduculous....my
friends are out there driving, wasted, and i wasn't able to stop them.....please let them be ok, so i can yell at thier asses
Tuesday June 15th
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday June 13th
Ok loooooooooooooong weekend. Lets make this a quick wrap up. Friday
nuttin happened, i've been REALLY sick..no fun! Saturday i went to the movies with Cathy and Brad and saw the day after tomorrow.
I thought the movie was good, no real plot, but GREAT effects. Saturday nite went up to Docks. I was on duty but yea
didn't stop me. Wes, Capris, Sean, Erin, Me, Amy, some other girl and someother guy were there. Thanks toWes and
Capris i was drunk within half an hour, and thanks to dock i stayed that way for awhile, luckily no CA calls, cuz i def wasn't
in the state to handle conference work at any point in the nite....was def fun tho....cept for the whole less then 4 hours
of sleep that nite. I had to be up at 830am to turn on and stand by the radio....i didn't go to sleep til 430-5am. Had
a check in at potomac today, 70 kids...wasn;t that bad. Then came back, kristi erin and i went to damons, we didn;t
know we were goin there, all we knew is that we were hungry, so we got in my car and i drove, and we headed up to damons.
2 entrees and a appetizers for $25 special, we couldn't even eat a 1/3 of the food, o well lunch tomorrow. Saw sean
there in his spiffy glasses, and there were 2 birthday parties while we were there, i've never had the b-day suprise at a
resturant...poor me. Ok nite nite had some company tonite that was all. off work tomorrows, i'll prolly be lonely!
Friday June 11th
So much for being a good girl-ok so tonite was SCANDLOUS! Well i've been havin
a lot of scandalous nites lately **twinklin halo** well there are interns that work for the NSA, and they hada a party tonite,
and they invited us, of course-we seem to be gettin invites to all the on campus parties this summer. well we go and all of
us, yea all 20+ of us, start playin "never have i ever" tat was an interesting game. during the game wes called, and
hung up on me when i said i wasn't goin over to the house. sorry but why party with the same old gang when i can meet
some new ppl, JK JK ya knows i luvs ya wes! then later i got a booty call from a friend on campus, we won't go into that -_-!!!
i yi yi boys i swear! Back to the party-later on, all the lightweights quickly retired to bed, or back to their bed, the rest
of us chit chatted. Eventually the ppl in the apartments decided to go to sleep as well, so we were gonna move the party
to the other guys plave, thwn we all deicded to go chill in harbor courtyard, so we ditched the alcohol adn headed on over...it
waws 4 guys 3 girls. well we start playin spin the bottle (fyi-we were sober at this point!) needless to say i kissed 4 ppl
tonite...made out with a guy (who up to this point i thougth was gay) and kissed my first (and most likely last) girl....sober
mind you! I saw bots kissin tonight....FINALLY some boys that are willin to peck in order to see girls make out ( i didn't
make out with ne girls!)
We also preceded to have some interesting convos about veet, self cockblocking
and other fun personal experiences...it was GREAT! Well Kristi is wakin me up in the AM..so i'm off to force myself to sleep,
it is after all 417AM!...onduty saturday, so come visit me!
Sunday June 6th
Ok so its 11am and i just woke up. Had a WONDERFUL day yesterday...got
up at 11, got all cute and such with the girlies, then we headed to columbia for lunch at Famous Daves...yum yum yum.
It was 10 of us- Me, Kristi, Erin, Sara, Ehi, UT, Joba, Dave, Nick, and Ben. We were load and rowdy....OF COURSE!
You think the girls in this apartment are good at makin ANYTHING sexual, and dirty, imagine how its gets when u throw in some
suave nigerians, and some not so straight boys..its was excellents. The roomies and i headed to arrundel mills for some
much needed shopin. i searched for clubbin clothes but came up empty handed. Spent a whoppin $2.50-on like
20 pairs of earings, good deal. Prolly for the best tho, i need to pay up some debt, then splurge on the next paycheck.
Wes called Erin and invited her and i over to the house...since it had been sooooooooooo long since he's seen us. They
were havin a lil get to gether so we said yea. Any who, we then went and saw Harry Potter-omg the roomies dragged me
but it actually wa good, a lil difficult cuz i didn't understand who some ppl were and some references but its all good.
Towards the end of the movie i got a call on my cell, after the movie i called it-its was joba tellin us to be at the apartment
at 11 there was a PaRtY goin on...so I told him we'd all be there. Got back to the apartment, had a fashion show, Jobe
called- to endure we would be there and that we needed to go there NOW! too bad cuz I then headed over to the TKE house with
erin. It was fun, hadn't seen some people in a while, played some beer pong-yea i still suck at that game...my favorite
thing about the tke house....test tube shots :-D then erin and i boxed a lil with each other and a lil with wes...i think
joba call like 3 times in the time we were there tellin us we needed to be at his apartment NOW! Ok so we drove back to campus,
met up with Kristi, wow were we kinda dressed to party-kristi lookin sexy with her hair all straightened. And we went
to the Nigerians for a lil "get together" they called it....hmmm....all the lights were out?? so we went back to our place,
i called, and they said come on over...5 min later when we headed over this time they were all out on the porch, odd, the
lights still out...so we go inside all the lights are out, they finaaly turn them on we say hi, get some drinks, then the
lights go out, the music starts blastin....10 nigerians 3 of us "innocent" ones hehe. So lets just say we danced the
nite away, and woah can those boys dance. I woke this mornin sooooooooo sore, and my knee is killin me. I def
broke out the scandelous moves last nite too...best part was that kristi and i weren't even really tipsy, but everyone else
was, so it was fun to act it jsut so we could get away with more scadelous danicin :-D...o and then UT tried to follow me
home...haha way to early in the summer to be hookin up with the co workers. SO thats that for now, my overstatement...OUCHIES!
o and i think mike is supposed to visit today, and Tree (teresa) is here now...
why i love angela: SwtParadise77: and more importantly-the main reason i
said no to all 3 boys...i'm tired of just for fun i want the real deal Everclear135: YES Everclear135: u dont know how
excited i am to hear you say that SwtParadise77: haha y Everclear135: :-D Everclear135: and for you to be finally
ready after those...bad experiences Everclear135: that makes me really happy for you
Thursday June 3rd
Ok so technically its the 4th...but who cares?!?! Talk about the best day EVER!
So i did laundry and all that fun stuff at work, got off 24 hour duty at 4ish....then chilled around the apartment, met some
more interns. 7ish patrick made AWESOME dinner....chicken parmasean and cheddar bay biscuts. Chilled up at his
apartment for a lil then cam down to get ready for the club. We looked HOTT Shutterbug (click it to see us!) Ok so we get all dolled up and go to Baja...meet Becka and Renee (MY BOSS!) there chill dance
for a lil....then creepy guy comes up...ok so he wasn't really creepy but he was INSISTANT on dancin with me..the girls pulled
me away...and he pulled me right back....so we did the whole 'run-to-the-bathroom-thing'. I don't care who you are,
i'm not gonna stick to one man all nite...holla! So we find some new ppl dance, groove its all good....he comes back, i avoid
eye contact, the girls surround me and diss him..he walks away...good! Well 20 min later he's back....this time i don't see
him sneak up behind me, and its too late hes already latched on and dancin, didn't really mind cuz i wasn't dancin with neone
else at the time. He tried to give me his whole life story -_- and then he got my number...i wasn't smart enuf to give
a fake one (note to self: memorise the reject hotline) anywho, he started gettin a lil fresh with his hands...had to put a
stop to that! oh that reminds me his pick up line:
whats ur name?
a cute name to go with a cute face
yea it was some lame game....then he tried to do the whole kissy thing, he
relised i wasn't into him and finally got the hint and left....by this time it was just erin kristy and I. Ran into a lot
of ppl i went to hs with. And a lot of SAE were there, i swear everytime i got clubbin they are there, o well...i
SOOO want to complete the "cycle" tho...ya know me-equal oppurtunity employer :-D **angel i swear** ok so we dance with some
more guys...then we see the guys we work with, thats when the fun totally started! We danced with them, omg are they
good dancers!!!! So yea, i eventually got up on the platform for like 5 songs, got LOW, waaaaaaaay low **misbehavin is fun!**
danced some more with the guys, one of them was apparenty the prince of Cameroon. Boy was he cute, good dancer, AND
he found my weakness....but thats a secret...can't have all the fellas knowing that, hehe. So then it was time to go,
got back to campus, clothes SOAKED from dancin so much, went to chill outside with kristi (erin has work in the AM).
Patrick was headin to 7-11, i jokinly asked for a foot massage- low and behold he actually gave me one. omg did it feel
GREAT! my feet were so sore from dancin in 3 inch heeled hooker boots for the past 4 hours. Then we went with him to
7-11 in our shoe-less/bra-less pjs...it was hot:-p Came back ate a hot dog and crawled in bed.....WHAT A GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT
NITE! have off work tomorrow, its payday, AND goin to O's game!!
Wednesday June 2nd
It's docks 21st birthday..yet at 11 when i talked to him on the phone he was
sober-what up with that?!?! Ok so the hoooooooooooooooooooooott interns came by, we left a note on their door (well
kristi did) sayin to come over and chill. And they did...3 of them....and there were 3 of us (sarah is home for the
nite) we chilled ate some food, and watched a movie. They are so chill and relax. Its so cute cuz they are here for
NSA and they aer computer dorks, and they were ashamed of it, til we assured them that computer dorks were COOL! and AWESOME!
and totally NORMAL here at umbc, so they chilled out and it was fun. Baja's tomorrow nite...should be interesting,
then O's game friday followed by power hour....nite nite for now. I'm on duty tonight and some girl locked herself outta
her BEDROOM so i had to go and let her in....15 min before radio silence.....i yi yi...ok toodles nite nite
Tuesday June 1st
Got my work schedule today--shouldn't be that bad this month. Get paid
(half a pay check) this friday, FINALLY! So had a lil cook out today with everyone whos moved in already-some def cuties
:-D. Prolly goin to Baja thursday, to let of some steam and party it up. Got grades- bio-D! precalc-D! abd. psych-C,
lifespan psych-B. Mommie and Daddie are gonna KILL me.....i yi yi . Ok kiddies look around the site, i added poems and
pics galore. oh and come visiti me, and dont' forget my birthday in 2 months
fyi-my bed is gettin lonely again :-(
Monday May 31st
Ok, it's been a LONG while....just returned back to the apartment after a long
weekend at home. Stuffs still bad back at home, o well not gonna talk about it now and get in a bad mood. So i
redid the site...the old one wasn't workin, this one is much better. Got work tomorrows at 9am. Its been fun,
free apartment and $$...hell yeas. I'll write more in this later, i'm ready for bed now...
Sunday May 16th
um....its been a while, i'll update with the past week events tomorrows,
must sleep now, bio final at 1030.....nite y'alls!
good days lately, good days indeed
Monday May 10th
Ok, so i prolly need to write something so that u guys don't think i've totally
flipped out. So i was really upset, hense the last entry, and i vented and got stuff out, still feel the same
way but....i'm movin on from all that pain and i'm gonna be HAPPY mandy again. Well that was the plan-- to escape from
umbc, do home, escape, come back refreshed. I had fun at home, for a lil, then reality set in, things aren't good, i'll
leave it at that, if u wanna know then ask, i may or may not tell ya. Just know that if i'm not in a good mood something
else prolly happened. everyone keeps askin if theres nething they can do, there isn't, jsut a hug would help, and knowing
that i got my friends support. I rememeber when home used to be that safe place i could go to escape....not anymore.
It was nice seeing my mom, bro and nephew again tho.....i can't wait til this summer, we are gonna have the BEST apartment!
Friday May 7th (wasnt sure whether I should post this
or not)
Why do we do what we do? What was I thinkin? As I look back at this semester
i'm so proud of 90% and so disappointed about the other 10%...
ok takin a break, radio is playin Austin. This is the saddest, sweetest
song ever....ok now i'm ballin.....brb...ugh
ok back to writing this. So i'm completely different then i was b4 i
came to this place, a better person, a smarter person, a less naive girl, but more scared, and ruffer around the edges.
Nothing in particular, wait thats a lie EVERYTHING in particular. So many things
Im so ashamed of, so many things I never thought I would do, and wish I hadnt. Why
I did them, I have no idea. My fault, 100% my fault. Luckily I got my wake up call, luckily Im still able to do a 180 and make everything from this point on
something to be proud of. Im lucky that everything is reversible, and that Ive
left no permanent scars. Unfortunately,
I cant say the same for everyone else. I let my walls down too soon in some cases,
got myself hurt.bad. Too many times, by too many people, in too short of a time. I guess it is a good thing that some scars dont heel.
It keeps me on my toes, reminds me of the me I want to make sure not to be, reminds me why I shouldnt trust ne one. Thinkin about it, theres prolly 2 or maybe 3 people that I trust 100%, but that I
feel I can only rely on these few people 50% of the time. I trust no one, Im too scared to trust neone. Or maybe more accuretly, I dont trust myself to trust the right people.
There should be a limit as to how many times one person can be fucked over in 10 months.cuz this is startin to get
ridiculous. Wow that was a mandy pity party!
Now I guess is the time to apoligize to a few people. Im not gonna name names, I dont need to. Most likely if u
think this might be to you, it most likely is. Im sorry for my actions for makin
yall have to deal with me. Ashamed that I hit that low, scared that I reached
that point of a low. This is me, that wasnt.
Wow, why am I havin such a hard time writing this. I have no clue what
to say, all I know is that once again Im ballin. Sometimes I really hate myself,
sometimes I dont understand myself, but most importantly always, I scare myself. Scared
of why and how I did what I did.
It worries me how Im still not ok with some stuff that happened in September,
that was so long ago, and Ive moved on. But I guess Im still affected with that
lil incident, some people have told me that I should prolly talk to someone about that.
But theres a def wall that Ive built, and I dont like to let neone in it nemore.
I told abby about something else that happened with that, that I never told neone else.
Which helped, atleast the nitemares stopped. Am I worth it? Didnt think so
Monday April 26th
What a fun day. Fish pong is so much fun. Lambda Chi's are goofs :-p I figured out who phi delta 305 is,
so HA! We made like $125. SO i totally got a 85% on my lifespan psych exam, SWEET! Went to Damon's with cathy.
Chris and Capris were workin, fun times. My water was actaully rainbow water with pineapple, cherry, strawberry, lime, and
lemon! I taught cathy how to pick up a shot without her hands, just using her mouth...."watch out for the teeth, put it in
deeper, wrap ur lips around it and suck"-me O:-) i got it on the first try, she needed like 20 :-p "I will not let my
lil be better then me at this, we aren't leavin til i get it!"-cathy o the fun times.....i love college!! ok i think thats
all for now....
Sunday April 25th
Today was fun times. Slept til 1pm then met up with the fam and went
to Medievil Times. Such a great show and yummy food. Love chillin with Bri.
Ok so thats enuf about that. This weekend was eventful, greekweek, blockparty and quadmania. SO friday
afternoon was greek weeks Greek Olympics, i volunteered to do "buried treasure" which means i got to dive face first into
a pie dish filled with chocolate pudding and mike and ikes. Who ever got the most mike and ikes won....well i got 2nd,
but um yea those pics are LOVELY, my face and shirt were covered in chocolate pudding. Then after Dock decided to throw
more pudding on me, so abby got him back by throwing a pie in his face, so he tried to get me back, so me (being stupid) grabbed
a handful of pudding and threw it at him...he (not being so stupid) jumped outta the way, guess who was standing behind him....
2 deephers....oppsies, i apoligied atleast, all over there legs and back chocolate
pudding a la mandy....ok so it made me giggle, hehe whoops o:-)
I returned to my dorm for a looooooooooooong cold shower, so sunburnt and covered
in chocolate...
Then a couple hours later i was off to Block Party....that sun that was out...not
was a DOWN pour, we were all in white shirts that they gave us too, we didn't care and stood out in the rain.....makes u wish
u went doesn't it :-*
Saturday was quadmania.....something i've learned that scares me, i'm starting
to realise that i'm drinkin when i get upset, and i don't like it. I am slowly fading out of a social drinker and turning
into a stress reliever/bad mood reliever drinker. Case in point-saturday at the event I saw some peoples that really
upset me, dunno why that upsets me but it does, so i pulled out the vanilla coke and vodka downed a whole bottle, and half
the second one while up at the TKE/Hooters wing contest...after that we headed back to abbys dorm where i eaily had 8 shots
in like 10-15 min went back to quadmania drunk....had some more fun went to the concert....(that sobered us all up quick)
then headed over to the TKE house, had a lil fun but if there ever was a thing as TOO many people that would descibe it, went
over to the PiKapp party too, but came back...yea wasn't too impressed with the parties...cam back passed out asleep....
that brings me to today...no hang over :-D and in a good mood....
6 days til FORMAL :-D
Sunday April 18th
First off Abby- "Hmpf" :-D gotta love the inside jokes...Weekend retreat was amazingly incredible. I am so glad
i got to spend time with the Alpha Epsilons in the harbor gettin some nice tans. Greek week starts today, **crosses
fingers** being on the greek week planning commitee i will be amaed if this actually goes on as we hope...should be interesting.
Looking forward to hanging out with people that i haven't seen since Formal Rush and socials. The weather is so nice
today, and has been for a while. I need to clean my room its a mess, i haven't unpacked since spring break, i've
been that busy, plus i gotta find places to put all my super cool presents from my awesome big...ok stuff to do-got a cook
out in an hour....
Saturday April 17th
Friday April 16th
Ok so I forgot to mention in the last entry that my entire computer
crashed.....LOST EVERYTHING! Steve attempted to save it, but once again man was
outwitted by the machine....hehehe. So I lost everything-including pictures,
poems, and important convos I had, not to mention all the blackmail I had on yall-makes ya think doesnt it hehe. Well I guess this convinces me that I need to start keeping my poems handwritten b4 puttin them on the
computer, luckily the good ones were online on my site (this site) but the ones that were good that I still didnt want people
to read, yea lost those, kinda sad but Ill write some more. I just wrote one
if fact, it is one of my shorter ones but I like it, so go look on the My Poems page and you can read it! So the past couple days have been fun well sorta. Wednesday nite one of the frats (TKE) had their philanthropic fundraiser thing a ma
jigs where for 24 hours they had some one on a swing outside the commons.since abby and I have no life we sat out there too
:-p in the freezing cold ass rain. We were there 3-7 Wednesday and I was there
1130-5 Thursday AM (She left a lot earlier) I was having way too much fun and
didnt feel like sittin in front of my computer cuz that was my only other option since sleepin wasnt gonna happen either way. Some defintly eventful activities that nite.
Police came cuz a genius decided to wear ONLY a g-string infront of the janitors, I missed it tho I was on the roof
tops of umbc chattin with wes. Def got some venting out that was just building
building and building. Not that it solved nething but I was able to say what
was on my mind to someone other then just abby. Not that I dont love you abby :-D Late
nite to Double Ts I swear the waitor was drunk, like woah. Last nite was initation,
secret secret confidential stuff! Matt was a GREAT security guard hehe. Bennigans
afterwards, 2 words POTATOE SKINS and MONTE CRISTO! Ok that was 4 words but mmm mmm mmmm. Abby and I split them both, just
yummy. Yea well def put me in a bad mood again but Im not discussing that here.toodles
Wednesday April 14th
Yea, its been awhile AGAIN...Its kida ironic, if u look at the previous entry
written on April 1st u see that I was extremely worried about my uncle who was sick.well after that entry at about
10 pm I got the call from Brianna that he had passed...just kinda sat on the phone with each other and cried : -( I had to
miss an exam and some classes but I didnt care, I wanted to be there for her at the viewings and funeral, that was sad, just
very very sad.I love you bri! On a happier note: I KNOW WHO MY BIG IS!!! Its cathy!!! Im all done her paddle, it looks awesome,
tomorrow is initiation. This week is I-Week, this weekend is weekend retreat.im
so excited. Next week is greek week, then quadmania and block party, and medieval
times, then the following weekend is FORMAL!!!! So excitededed about that.hmmm so today was cold, and this week was rainy
and icky. Abby and I swang at the TKE swing-a-thon for 4 hours this afternoon
3-7 -_- so freakin coldthen Im going back tonight.i yi yi. The fun study nites
continue @ cathys, wow Im gonna miss those next year.:- ( dont wanna think about that tho, ok bye for now SoCoNfUsEd
Thursday April 1st
Happy April Fools Day!!!! Hmm okay so tuesday was beyond busy, this week has been beyond busy. Tuesday nite i went
to bed at 3am, and got up at 430 for 5 am Breakfast. It was fun tho, got back to bed a lil after 7 and was up for my
845 math class....last nite i went to bed at 530AM!!!! Fun times studyin at Cathy's with Abby Mike Chris and Steve....always
funtimes with this bunch. I swear Abby, we seriously do study when u aren't around, in fact after she left last nite
we actually got quiet and did some work...for a lil then it was goof off time again. So the Bio exam sucked, but even
those who really really studdied said that...hehe:-D Um so yea lifes been kinda crappy lately, kinda had a break down
last nite was upset at somethign else and then i kept thinkin of all the other bad stuff. I hate it when you cry and
then you have to go face a bunch of ppl again and its obvious you've been cryin....o well. So yea my uncle is REALLY
sick, and this time i mean REALLY sick, he's still in the hospital and just not doing well at all. I really feel for
Brianna (my cuzin) and just hate to think of how this is effecting her, I LOVE YOU HUN!!! Bryan, i know your doing a great
job at being there for her, the situation just over all sucks, and i don't even wanna think what the future may or may not
hold. Family life is crapola too, with the parentla situation just over al bad, just sucks when outta the blue its like
"oh btw while u were at college...." Plus the stuff with the family in Floridia and my niece and nephew is just UGH!
School is overall hectic, life is hectic, but i got some great friends to make me giggle my way thru....thanks y'all. Smoochies!
Saturday March 27th
Don't you hate it when you really wanna be mad at someone and you ARE mad at them but then you can't STAY mad at
them. Like i realise people are stupid and that people do stupid stuff, and that even stupider ppl make stupid people
do even more stupid stuff...i really dunno anymore. I guess what it comes down to is the power of a real apoligy.
See no one ever really apoligizes to me...EVER, well they didn't used to atleast. And to me, when some one cares enuf
to be like, look i fucked up and what i did was really crappy and i'm sorry, that means a lot to me. Cuz i know its
hard. And like not even just relating to this lastest thing, but like i've realised i do have some great friends and
they treat me so much better then what i would consider my best friends in high school. I mean ppl would get in fights
and stupid HS shit, but no one ever admitted their faults or apoligized. Just like my family, when ever anyone would
do something wrong no one would apoligize. But the friends i've made lately, they seriously just--they apoligize. And granted
the whole reason they are apoligizing is cuz they did something really fucked up, but they apoligize, they become humble and
they feel bad. I mean like wow, did any of that make sense to anyone BUT me....hehe. Just i guess what this means
is that pretty much what ever you do to me--try apoligizing u'd be suprised at how much it can heal things--if you really
mean it....that DOES not mean i'm too nice...or does it? :-/
Friday March 26th
Ok so last night...wow! Had been lookin forward to it since cathy told me i was going in the beginning of the week.
I've had one hell of a bad spring break, and even before that for that matter. SO my plan was to chill with some
awesome friends, have no worries and get hammered....great goal eh :-p ANY whos...the night was going great...doin shots
like no ones business havin a blast, dancing all that good stuff....then i made the mistake of lookin somewhere at the WRONG
time....and that entire night consisted of me turning my head at the WRONG time....ok so honestly didn't really matter when
i turned my head, was a pretty constant thing but o well....so of course this lead me to get more trashed....but because of
all the happenings and drama i couldn't feel it. Abby said the same thing...like we were so high strung from the EVENTS that
we totally didn't noticed we were trashed....including jello shots i easily had 25 shots last night....well hmmm...not hung
over--GREAT! but i really do feel about the size of an ant....and yes we know i have NO right to be like "u can't do
that" cuz hello i've done that so look at what i've done....but not in front of my face! Oh oh oh i love my abby, see
no one would let me say nething, which i really wanted to do...but then i didn't cuz drama is stupid and i hate drama, BUT
Abby finally waltzed over there and did a lil yellin....:-p love my wife....shes like so beyond pissed too...like i hate drama,
and this is all just bs, so i'm like i yi yi why can't my life be simple, why? Oh and then THAT happend, that wasn't
suposed to happen, that was a big no no....but shhhh no ones knows...
....i wanna be normal again...
...god is my cuddle buddy :-D
Wednesday March 24th
Hmmmm....listening to music its 1230 am.... Stupid love songs....ok so myself and I are havin a talk....what is it that I want? I want that someone to take care of me when Im sick (ok so maybe thats just cuz Im
sick now but still) I want that kiss good nite, and that good morning sunshine I wanna be someones sweetie, someones baby,
someones hun, someones babygirl. This in no way means Im not perfectly fine being
by myself, in fact thats what Ive learned these past 6 months, that Mandy is an asweome individual and she in no way needs
anyone, let alone A BOY, to validate her!!!I just love knowing that the sparkle in a guys eye is cuz of me, and that the smile
on his face is cuz of me, and that silly smirk he gets when hes sittin off by himself is cuz hes thinking of me. looking
back over this it makes me sound desperate and needybut Im not....not at all. Its
just I'm one of those ppl who thoroughly enjoys knowing that they make someone happy. wow I'm such a girlie girl!! anywhos
party tomarrow (tonight) NITE!!!!
Tuesday March 23rd
OK just updated the site....um look in the hilarious convos page. Abby and i are a force to be wreckened with...hehe,
i'm a sick, real sick. Just a cold it'll get better. Lets see went shoppin today got a nice necklace and earring
set. Then tomarrow gotta take the car to Prince Fredrick to get fixed, apprently there was a recall
and my car is likely to catch on fire...FUN! Then we are drivin to bowie town center for some shoppin. ANd thursday
i get to try and find cathy's house in annapolis and then we are gonna party at the TKE house, well not party, but chill relax
kick back, and drink away the weeks troubles...
ok time to go do more productive stuff...not really but if u need to know, u'll know not writing my WHOLE life in here!!!
Sunday March 14th
Well I THOUGHT i knew what busy meant....i know see i had NO FREAKIN IDEA!! :-p Its ok i love it. Alpha Sig is
the best think ever...love you guys! 3 past weeks have been crazy, boys are crazy, better yet I AM CRAZY....def gettin
caught up in the whirlwind. But everytime i get caught up in the craziness there always seems to be one that stands
out and i get sucked in...problem is they are never on the same page...but who knows, the best i can do is be a good friend...Abby
just made me download the song Ready For You...Hoobastank, kinda erie how it fits...Enuf about that, all i can do now
is cross my fingers, hope for the best, and have fun waiting i guess....
Lets see, um socials are a blast, they are so fun..too bad we've had all the ones wiht the good frats on campus! Def
met WAY many ppl lately...hehe
Schools been going....don't feel like writing more...
Thursday February 25th
WOW! It's been awhile, sorries...ppl are yellin at me cuz i've been neglecting the site....so like theres been almost
700 views this month (to my site)...thats CrAzY!!! Well lets see, A LOT has changed, not gonna get into it all, if u
need to know (or if i want you to know) then you already know...if you don't know theres a reason....DUH! I am an Alpha
Sig!!!! Hells yea, the friendships are amazing-more then i ever thougt i could find. So technically i'm a new memeber,
just got pinned this past sunday with Abby (NoE), Abbey, Heidi, and Michelle. I'm the only freshy so far....hehe!
Had an AMAZING valentines day--thanks Christian!!! Christian--ur like that awesome friend that i will ALWAYS have around,
ur one of the awesomest guys i have (and prolly will) ever get the chance to meet...good luck in everything, do i still get
to be "the hott girl" when MTV Cribs comes to document ur bands pad?? **crosses fingers** ANYwho, been so crazyily busy
lately. I have ASA meetings sunday nite, CAB meetings monday nite, RSA meetings tuesday nite, a full set of classes
wednesday, thursday to get crap done, and always crazy on the weekends now...Been doing my best to do everything that i can,
and tryin not to neglect my friends...tho it really sucks when i get a call sayin lets do lunch and its like i'll pencil u
in for 3 weeks from wednesday :-/ Classes are awesome... what... excuse me...dunno what i was thinkin there! Actually
they aren't THAT bad...Sokolve can kiss my @$$!!! I gave up cheese for lent...i'm gonna die!! hey its a good diet plan.
Had the first social, with Lambda Chi, that kicked ass, but then again the guys of Lambda Chi kick ass so duh! Um...*searches
brain for more random thoughts**...Club Dread kicked ass, saw it for FREE tonight at Arundel Mills. Ok runnin outta
things to say kicked ass so i think i'm gonna leave now...
Saturday February 7th
It's been a while, sorry been busy. So formal rush started, not gonna write much on that cuz dunno who reads this
and wanna keep it fair. Def have my fav tho :-p Um this mornin was the first cuts...it sucks when u have something to
be happy about but you can't because ur friend is sad...Um school is going well 4 easy classes (plus 2 discussions) New roomie
is alright, guess thats something to be thankful about....ummmm dunno what else to write about. Def some friends that
i'm startin to feelify about. Ya know the kind that you only hang out with when YOU go visit them, and u kinda feel
like a nuisense...yea theres a few of those, and there are some that are like"omg mandy i haven't seen you in forever we need
to hang out" actually a lot of ppl have been sayin that lately, dunno what i've been busy doin or who i've been doin it with
but apparently i've been hiding in a box or something....ok time to go now....another weekend where everyone went home...cept
Wednesday January 28th
First i'd like to state that thanks to Christian i am no longer in a depressed mood....thanks! I dunno what it was i
was just upset beyond belief...:-/ Anywhos all better now, so classes are going pretty good...only 14, supposed to be 19 but
damn UMBC sucks and didn't get either hold list class....classes seem pretty straight forward, mostly exam driven grading
so we'll see **knock on wood** So formal rush starts next week, def excited about that. Shannon is doin it to,
so should be a blast **knocks on wood** not supposed to be able to talk to Cathy or Melissa much cuz of the damn rules...grrr-ness!
Don't feel like writing nemore...1 class tomarrow :-p Think i'm going home this weekend then Sunday is Superbowl..christian
supposed to come over and watch it!
Thursday January 22nd
So how pathetic is it that as i tuck my lil nephew into bed the tears start to well up in my eyes? I just can't
believe how fast hes grown up..he'll be 5 in a matter of weeks. I guess i'm just realising how in 2 days i'm headin
back to school. Anxious over what this new semester is gonna bring me. Lookin forward to rush events with Shannon,
dorm antics with the Erickson Crew, and overall chiaos. Classes are sure to be interesting and demanding. Gonna
go to the gym with Melisssa and/or Shannon on a regular basis. Gonna keep up good grades. Settin my goal to a
4.0 but doubt i can make that happen. It was nice being home, didn't get to dads as much as i would of liked.
Hung out with Helen and Kim, chucklelin about old boys and funtimes. Florida was interesting, i'm startin to peel from
the sun burn :-D Went out to din din for my Bro's 27th birthday last night...startin packin today...gotta finish tomarrow.
Then tomarrow nite i'm going with Christian to see Then Came Polly... that'll wrap up my winter break back home...its
all over so fast....wish me luck back at campus.
Sunday January 11th
This weekend was pretty cool. Babysay my nephew and worked on this damn site :-p My nephew is soooooooooooooo cute.
Um yay so thats it....
Wednesday January 7th
Ok quick wrap up...Monday went to the new BJs with mommie...we had so much fun. I love hangin out with her.
Thuesday i lost my pants...yay my new Old Navy fleece pants that my sis got me foro christmas...must find soon...went to the
dentist too...The hygentist was a biyotch! Today I went to lunch with Christian to Ruby Tuesdays...talked about Politics
and religion :-p Actually it was funny cuz we stayed and talked prolly 30-45 min after we were done eattin and the waitress
kinda started gettinpushy, so we left. That was fun tho-always fun hangin out with him. Tomarrow is my first day with
Saturday January 3rd
Came home from Dad's today...Then went to Christians for his 19th Birthday (But he decided that it wasn't his Birthday
so shhhh! we didn't mention it) Had a blast, watched High Fidelity...the whole way thru tryin to remember if i have
seen it or not...He sprayed silly string in my hair -_- yay that was fun. I swear the boy has ADD...Yay :-p He
taught me the "lazy mans chord" (i think thats what he called it) on the guitar...and i wrote a song called "Lalala" :-D i'm
a dork!
Friday January 2nd
I slept....still at dads...oh oh oh I just rememebered! Ok here just read this away message:
so heres a lil story: theres this really nice italian resturant we went to dinner there tonight...the
owner of the place has a son,19ish And bout 6 months back (when i wasn't single) my dad, his current gf (who knew the owners
real well) and I went there to dinner and hung out a afterwards The son was our waitor and he sat and chilled with us a lil
Well the next time i came up my dad told me that the son had told him that he liked me. (yea thats what i said HE TOLD
MY FATHER!) But i was with shitface, therefor brushed it off! Well TONIGHT we go in there, and he was our waitor so i'm lookin
at the menu not payin attention and i look up to place my order and i was like "WOAH!" Ok...so this guy is tall, dark, handsome,
italian, and did i mention his dad owns a REALLY nice italian resturant...so why did i pass that up?:-\
Ok--yeah that was long this is what Angela had to say--
Everclear135: u dont pass an italian up
Everclear135: i dont care if ur getting married
Everclear135: u go do the italian first
Isn't that hilarious...so yay NEWHO! Yay, just had some hilarious ass convos online today...i love my friends
they are great they make me laugh more then i ever thought possible.
Thursday January 1st
HAPPY NEW YEARS! So i had a blast last night. Went to Christians new house, hung out with him, Chris, Matt,
and Neena. MARTY LUVS CHRISTIAN....haha ew! (shes and old grey lady whos favorite hobbie is "horseback ridin" :-p)
It was a block party type deal, the adults were averagin about 3 drinks per house...8 houses..so yay! We all stayed sober
tho **GO US!** Today I went to the normal family thing at Aunt Jeanne's big baltimore house. Got home around 2
ish, bed around 3 ish, up at 7...at UMBC to meet dad at 11! :-/Aunt Tricia and Uncle Jamie hid a puzzle, all the grandkids
found 2 pieces, we put them together, Aunt Tricia gave us the final 2 pieces--I got to read the letter on it...to sum it up
--AUNT TRICIA IS HAVIN A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So awesome! The twins are 3 now, so new babies
always ROCK!
Monday December 29th
Ok, its been a week, a crazy week, but a week...live with it. Christmas rocked, missed seeing everyone....um yeah
have i mentioned that closure is the AWESOMEST feelin in the world!!! I don't think i've slept that good in a LONG time. Newho,
for christmas i got clothes, computer stuff, gift cards, cds, dvds, the usual. Um been with Bri since Christmas, man
shes like the best. We had fun fun times! Went with her to fallston, had some fun times, didn't get to see Randy,
kinda bummed (look i put u in here, aren't ya excited)
My uncle is STILL in the hospital...bummer. Hopefully he'll be home soon. So i still have no new years eve plans...
Monday December 15th
Just sittin here borededed listening to music. Having a hilarious conversation with chris composed entirely of
:-D....o ain't i just so darn fun. Lets see...hmm last night was interesting **cough cough** some of you know what
i'm talkin about...weird right? EXACTLY! So i'm at dads and snows still covering the ground...10 days til Christmas
can you believe that? Totally freaked about going 6 weeks without seein everyone. Not to worry, Ariana said shes gonna
make a road trip to go cow tippin :-p...yehaw! SMC! hahahahaahhaah And def gonna have to go to Fort Washington maybe
huh huh :-p
Well heres just a lil tribute to all the awesome friends i've made here. All y'all have done is reinforce how UMBC
was definetly the right choice. It feels like just yesterday i was moving in...all nervous about my roomie **rolls eyes**
and totally hatin my suitemates....JUST LOOK HOW MUCH THINGS HAVE CHANGED! You guys were really there for me during
a rough time in my life, even though i barely knew you guys at all....thanks (i'm gettin misty eyed just thinkin of how much
my friends support really helped me) A few people i lost along the way...but hey their loss not mine. C'est la
Some shout outs (i know they are gay, hense why i deleated that page off here), plus everyone was askin why they weren't
in there so here ya go
Kathy--Girl you are just crazy. Awesomest suitemate....don't tell Ranille.
Ranielle--you are a DORK! And so innocent minded that your special....don't tell
Kathy but your my fav suitemate!
~*~*~*~K&R--All this time we've gotten mad at eachother once, thats amazing, and
its safe to say the lesbian music and ims definetly made up for it~*~*~*~*~
Carol--Pa-Tap-That-Ass-Co....Gotta love the Bawls, specially when they are blue.
Ko'ren :-p....will you be my roomie #4 haha
Angela (Raphael)--You so owe me for walkin in on your roomie..icky! You are leavin
us at Erickson fot ghetto potomac :-(...its been fun being bunless together. I'm so glad that you are my identical twin
Maria-- Your so short you should have magical powers! What are we gonna do
without Ms. Szlyk in ou lives nemore?!?! Well then again you may have to take her class again...DO YOUR WORK! Travis does
not equal WORK!
Lori-- I'm only your friend because of Albert :-D JK!
Kris-- NO MORE ENGLISH!!!!! With a class like that we all had to stick
together somehow...i yi yi Def gonna have to get together now that we don't have classes together nemore!
Shannon-- Wow! You were definetly a saving grace in math....who else would
i be able to not pay attention with :-p....hmm if only we woulda had french together to, we could of sucessfully learned nothing
together...Ain't it fun being in college, and teachin ourselves everything!
Angela (Morales)--You've been there for me thru everything...rememeber way back
when we thought each other hated each other (did that make sense) RYAN REYNOLD IS SO MINE! I can't believe you
called me that one day just to say that some guy on our campus looked just like him...ur such a dork! I need to learn
to take ur advice the first time around...yeah that'll be the day. Though it is quite fun to give u the same advice
right back!
Chris And Christian-- Had to put you two in here. Y'all are NUTS! Nuf said...
Ariana--Well ur unique! HaHa...is your tongue burning? Thanks for being there,
ur a good friend...just gotta remeber not to let you and angela play with my cell phone EVER! You need to drag me to
the gym more often
Melissa-- Hope you are feelin better! I still don't forgive you for
makin me sing all those embaressing songs at karaoke :-p And your driving will always scare me to death! I have the
best away message...but yours are a close second.
Cathy-- You are so freakin awesome! Even when you are wakin me up at 2 am,
or 7 am to go to the spot...or to get food. You have so totally been there for me with everything...thanks PAL!
You sure u have to graduate? :-(
Ok talkin to Megan...really hopin that she gets to be my new roomie **crosses fingers** It would be nice to
get a roomie i get along with...not gonna get my hopes up, lets wait and see....Kathy and Ranielle offered their dorm floor...if
the new roomie pot luck turns out that bad....i think i know who they want to put in there....**starts to weep**
Sunday December 14th
Yeah its been awhile....stupid site wasn't workin in FOREVER!..so lets see FINALS SUCK ASS! My last one is Wednesday....microecon
part 2...blah. Oh it snowed a week ago, and last night :-p Um i met Albert--lori and maria's new robo thingy....I got
a new roomie...ha but shes leavin now...man hehe its not me i swear....my room is "on hold" cathy said...haha for some reason
that is funny to me. Went shoppin yesterday with Bri and Aunt Jeannie that was soooo much fun. It was like in
the movies how the 3 girls get all these clothes and head to the dressin room and model them while having a blast and singing
the music thats playin (cue..."i'm not crazy i'm just a lil unwell")...wow that was such a nice release after the hell finals
i've had....i got the CUTEST! outfit too...we dubbed it the "new date outfit"...hopefully i'll get a chance to try it out
:-p....so yeah def no fellas hollerin since the last entry **poutty face**
Friday nite (bri came down) her angela (Bob) and I went to TGIFridays...at midnite-ish! That was sooooooooo much fun!
We got lost on the way there, not really just passed the exit....so i almost side swipped a car...cuz it looked like a car
was headin straight to me **angel face** we got there safely tho....waitor was cute, debated on leavin my number...but
i'm SOOOO not that bold...unfortunetly....Um headed home....almost side swipped another car....u starting to see why i hate
driving in places i don't know?? And trust me the night was just beginning!! Bri amd i started watchin this movie called Homeroom...fell
asleep 15 min into it...woke up 20 min later...started talkin and drinkin Mountain Dew....kept almost fallin asleep, then
all the sudden the movie got REALLY MEGA HELLA good and we had drunk half the 2liter bottle by now that we were completly
intranced in the tv....By the end we were ballin our eyes out, that is the awesomest movie and everyone needs to see it, like
seriously! so that was what 230-3ish....bri and i were now wired...shes layin on my floor tellin the ppl downstairs that they
need to leave that its her house....starin at the carpet tellin me how pretty the colors are....it was so god damn funny
i was just laughin histarically....i sooooooo got some of it on cam....blackmail :-D...thats really about all i feel like
writing right now so bye
Thursday November 27th
Thanksgiving! Turkey Day...what ever you call it i ate WAY TOO MUCH! Lets see if i can name everything my grandma
made....turkey, roast beef, stuffing, rolls, fresh corn, asparagus, peas, homemade mac and cheese, egg noodles, sweet potatoes,
turkey gracy, cracker gravy, sourkraut, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes...and i know there was more i just can't think
at teh momment i'm too stuffed. Plus that doesn't even include what we had for supper tonight, or the desserts.
My dad and aunt kept tryin to give me wine...yuck i hate wine. Thanksgiving is a riot. We all get there, watch
the game, entertain the kids til 1ish when we eat. Then theres the lil lil kids table (for the twins), the lil kids
table (for the 3-6ish), the kids table (under 21), and the big people table. Since my one aunt and uncle weren't there
yet Bri and I got to eat with the grown ups:-D. Ok so its chaos gettin everything to the table. Then gettin the
kids situated and tryin to figure out where everyone is sittin and gettin drinks without spillin nething (riiiiiiiiiiiiight)
then for 2 min its silence as someone says grace..."Amen"...then all hell breaks loose. Passin food, you saw all the
food i listed now imagin all that gettin passed around the table, clockwise (every year someone's clock turns a different
way then everyone else :-p) Finally about 15 min after that everyone is situated and we eat. Then everyone cleans up,
we sit and talk, the guys go watch the game, the kids go play, and the women sit and gossip. Someone starts a game, this year
it was topple and inklings....us girls gossip somemore while listening to the men argue over ref calls... Eventually supper
comes out, everyone eats some left overs, and turkey sandwhiches and desserts. The teens go hide somewhere and
tell stories about our lives....we get bored...this year just Bri and I so we decided to make a scavenger hunt for the lil
ones....everyone gets tired...hugs and kisses and Turkey Day is complete...i love being a part of a large family :-D
Wednesday November 26th
Didn't go to class today :-p I only had one class though...MicroEcon and English were canceled. Packed up all morning.
Dad, Kayla, Grandma, and Grandad came and picked me up from school. Showed them the dorm. They were impressed.
Stopped by Best Buy to pick up my laptop, FINALLY! ALL better, well the laptop atleast. Discovered the a/c plug
is screwed up. So that needs repaired now....gonna stop by friday and get a new one. Went to Bennigans for lunch...OMG
yummy yummy yummy :-p Then the 5 of us crammed back in the Caviler (sp?) for the journey home....Didn't really do much once
i got to dads. Computer, movie, played with lil sis. Haha..she didn't wanna go to bed so i snuggled with her til
she fell asleep. We had our first official lil sis/big sis talk....man shes gettin old :-p I remember when she was lil
i used to sleep in her room and wake her up just so i could rock her to sleep again....shh don't tell neone that tho.
Tuesday November 25th
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ANGELA!!! We made her cry y'all! Wow that was difficult...tryin to have a suprise party
in a dorm, yeah! Came back to her dorm and SUPRISE then Dan and Alain played her fav song Unemployed Boyfriend by Everclear....she
starts ballin and hits the floor...it was like "Aw!" Isn't it amazing how the littlest things can make someone feel
so special. Just knowing that your friends think that much of you to do that...yeah UMBC ROCKS! Had a math quiz today....it
went ok. I'm allowed back on 3rd North now...HELL YEAH! hehe HE"S GONE!!!!! Sweetness. The 3rd northers sure were
gracious! :-p
Monday November 24th
HaHa, today was fun....The culture trio! Angela was sore cuz she "played football" with 3 guys last night.
He butt and her arms hurt from bending over she said....uh huh!! Raniele finally came back today.
"If we'd of had sex, you would be able to smell latex. He was licken me so i spit! He wiped it on the corner
of the blanket. Smell it doesn't it smell like spit?"-Ranielle.....OMG we were rollin on the ground laughin our asses
off! See we were over Angelas dorm, called Ranielle to see what her and John were doing she said "nothing jstu playin
a computer game" We thougth nothin of it, til we get online and see her ocmputers been idle for 45 min...UH HUH! She
was playin a game alright :-p OK OK OK jk, she insists that she behaved...this time. My room spelt like bleach.
So i slept in Kathy's bed (shes in NYC) Carol slept over too! it was a slumber party!
Sunday November 23rd
Today was pretty mello....until i got back to campus. O yeah my bro broke his race car. He wanted me to go
to the track and watch him but i'd of been a nervous wreck so i said no. As i'm gettin ready to leave, he pulls
into the driveway towin the car....apparently the front end came off the road about a foot and crashed back down...o yeah
just what i woulda needed to see. He added the word "Princess" to my rear window (with window marker). So now
it says UMBC Princess! Ok so I drive back to campus IN THE DARK...call up Angela, shes at the DH so she doens't wanna
go to satelite with me. Other Angela walks by. She goes with me. We get in the car she goes "Lets go somewhere"
So we decided to go to Olney. Only she doesn't exactly know HOW TO GET THERE, even though she LIVES THERE! So
we get on the highway, as we pass the exit she geos, um oppsies that was it...so we try to turn around. then she goes
no wait this is the exit. Well we were hungry so we go to Clarksville, she buys a dvd at Blockbuster, then we go to
McDs. At McDs i make the mistake of leavein my cell phone at teh table while i go to the bathroom. Apparently
miss angela decided to prank call everysingle guys name in my contact list on my cell phone. I didn't figure out she
did this till later...stupidness! So we finally get back to the dorm...gotta park the car (after almost gettin in a head on
collision in teh parkin garage..slow down people!) Go to my dorm watch Tarzan. Go to satelite, ride teh bus back.
Then Ariana joins us to watch Chocolate (the dvd Angela bought) Angela decides to curl both our hair. After she
does mine, we walk to the grille....in our pjs :-p its closed....so we walk back. Oh yeah almost forgot. I told
ariana how angela prank called ppl....and i was stupid enuf to let ariana use my cell phone, lil biyatch (jk!) does the same
thing....AT LIKE MIDNIGHT! Finish the movie then bed time....hah yeah def a crazy Sunday nite...guess you kinda had
to be there and seen the antics to understand. I think i killed Angela 9 times that night, and Arian 6....stupidness!
Saturday November 22nd
Ran around to do some errands...pics developed, spent $75 at Target :-( My Bro, Sis in-law, and nephew came over
for dinner. Gotta love home cooking! Bro's boss was havin a party (kegger) that night. Mommy wouldn't let
me go. She finally gave in, but ya i'm not the partying type so I didn't go. OMG-some of those pics are so hilarious..some
are sad, but thats ok so over that! My Bro went tho...haha...I got my nephew to stay the night. Colored some picstures
are super heros...dunno if i was more attached to his hip, or if he was more attached to mine. So gosh darn cute!
He said he wants to marry me...didn't have the heart to break it to him :-p
Friday November 21st
Came home....hit the sofa...man i was out. Mommy made me fettichine! Went back to sleep! Haha i watched the
movie Porky's...thats just so wrong, on so many levels.
Thursday November 20th
Hmmm...today was a studious day. Packed for going home. Man I can't wait. Isaiah was here, we played with
him :-D I WANT MY LAPTOP BACK....man today was boring, but it didn't seem boring at the time....i went to 8am class!!!! hell
Wednesday November 19th
TODAY SUCKED! Ok anyother day and I woulda been like "today rocked" but i was defintly in one of those moods.
Everyones boyfriend keeps comin to visit. And yeah they are so cute and so sweet, its like I WANT ONE! But i don't i
just i dunno. Lets analyze the holidays. Thanksgiving-ur prolly thinkin whats so bad about being single on T-day? Well
its family time, and yes i LOVE being with my family, man i can't wait! BUT...questions like "How's Mike?, and "So hows things
with the roomie?" Will turn into: "Aw really thats so sad. Are you still friends? Why your roomie move out? Wow really?" And
then those will turn into "So who you dating now? Come on you can tell me? Whats his name?" See my family has this thing
where they don't believe i'm single, cuz yeah well before i dated Mike i was well, lets just say that was a crazy time, think
i "dated" about 7 guys in about 5 monthes...haha i rememeber when i told my mom that Mike and i were dating, she was like
"Exclusivley? Just him? Why?!" :-p Hmmmm...the choices we make :-/ So yeah, jsut gonna have to remember that its Thanksgiving,
and there are a lot of things i am thankful for. Then we have Christmas...ok so yeah atleast i don't have to stress
over the PERFECT gift for my guy, but still isn't that what kinda makes it all worth while...? And for the record i
SOOOOOOOO put way more thought into mine...hehe. When will guys ever understand its not the $$ that makes us like the
gift, its the effort. O and playin out in the snow....o wait um...that was someone else O:-) Well i guess this Christmas
is gonna be all aboue family, and friends...yeah i'm cool with that....New Years...hmmm lets think about New Years last year...yeah
exactly..erasin from memory NOW! Moving on...Valentine's Day, the all dreaded couples-in-love-bullshit day...last year
not only was this V-day it was 6 month anniversary...year before that it was a great day...haha i'm such a dork, that was
the day i got my first kiss, with my first boyfriend, on our first date, and i got my first bouquet of roses....
Ok enuf about the holidays...what did i do today? I went to class....went to BWI and store with Cathy...so rainy and
icky out....Hmm came back finished bulletion board, did hw, got even more depressed, sat down with an entire bag of sweettarts...went
to visit Angela, made a trip to LateNite with Angela and Carol, got food...came back decided i wanted food, so we all ordered
subs and stuff....got really really tired...had to wait for food, ate food, tried to sleep...couldn't sleep...finally feel
Tuesday November 18th
Ok, i think this is the earliest i've ever written this, yeah its only 930, just got back from a gay ass RSA meeting...I
got up for my 8 am class!!!! Then i turned the alarm off....and fell back asleep :-( DAMN usually i'm the one tellin people
they are stupid for doing that...hehe I went to math...easy easy stuff...They has smores in the DH, or as Cathy calls them
ghetto smores! Still no laptop....yeah i've so gotten about 300 send/receive texts in the past 4 days...NOT GOOD O:-).....Thanksgiving
food in the DH for dinner...it was alright, they had stuff at all the tables about starving kids in other countries...kinda
killed the appetite (no pun intended)...apparently a kid dies every 2.9 seconds from hunger and other preventable deaths....yeah
exactly! Whatelse....hmmm o yeah so this dude that Angela wants to "introduce" me to has a tongue ring....ya even more
odd, is the fact that she doesn't know if hes straight....wow so glad to know my friends got high standards for me.
But in all other cases she says hes tall, cute, funny, nice, cool, and has dark hair....haha i forget what she says his name
is. People keep wanting to set me up with people, but then they keep sayin "um wait i have to talk to him first about
this, or that, or something" its like TALK TO HIM, then talk to me....duh! Ha ha...goin home this weekend, gonna stop by the
old W-E-N-D-Y's haha all those people that HE used to hate, cuz he was convinced they liked me...yuppers get to actually visit
them WITHOUT him freakin out. O i guess now i can actually admit that yeah they did like me, but i'm FAITHFUL, which
is more then i can say for ANY guy i've EVER dated.....haha (wait why am i laughin at that again :-/ )
ok so i guess this is why i usually don't write these things til 2am...a lot happens after 930 :-p
Ok heres the dorm room antics...at around 11 Kathy decides to do some laundry...well around 1130 when it was time to
put the clothes in the dryer...she realises she doesn't have enuf quarters..only cash. So like a nice friend I am, i offer
to go down to the lobby with her and use the change machine...ok we are both in our pjs and i am barefoot. Still needin
change we go over to Cheasapeak...there freakin change machine won't take Kathy's dollar, we ask some ppls for change, no
luck. So we go over to Harbor, there change machine is out of order as well, ask some more people, no luck. So
we head to Susquehenna...decide to go to Commons and use the cash to card machine....yeah that was outta order too!
So we walk ALL THE WAY BACK TO ERICKSON, yes my feet were hella numb by then....walk around the dorms askin for quarters.
"Hi Guys" & Angela gave us quarters :-D...i yi yi....fun times yo!
Monday November 17th
Its the 17th...haha that used to be an anniversary of mine and...cough cough...NEWAY its not anymore THANK GOD!
Today was typical i guess. Busy like every Monday. Carol and I walked Angela to class....haha then Carol walked
me to class...damn i love my friends! OOOOO Napria called me form home, such a nice suprise. Told me how everyone
misses me. Such a pick me up. I'm going home this weekend, if i don't stop by Wendy's (where i used to work) I
think they are all gonna murder me....haha can't wait to see their reaction when they find out i'm single again...haha i know
3 guys that will be elated....haha.....Did I mention that i got an A on my research paper....go me! The 240 and crew can all
open starburst with only our mouths...hehe GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER! Watched "What Dreams May Come" that movie
is just ODD...kinda like "Virgin Suicides"
STILL NO LAPTOP....computer withdraw....yucky We worked on the bulletin board...almost done
Sunday November 16th
What did i do today? NOTHING, did some laundry...bout it. Started our punishment, bulletin board....didn't finish
it, need to get it approved by cathy! Hmmmm, class tomarrow yay!
Saturday November 15th
Went to breakfast with the 3rd north crew. Ok now i know why i am gettin accused of still harrasing mike. For the
record ITS NOT ME! And its not my responsibility to babysit either of them. If people want to say/do shit thats
their choice. Maybe they might actually have to learn to fight their own battles for once. Ya daddy's bank account
can't fix everything! Had Best Buddies event today...4-7, ya kinda long, but it was funny. Its funny how much
drama(soap operaish) that they have :-p Went to the grille at teh Commons, so totally woah got hit on, the guy was creepin
me out, all following me around and shit. Came back watched tv, went to bed, couldn't sleep, watched tv, fell asleep
on the sofa til 3am.
Friday November 14th
Hmmmm, today was kinda crap...watched movies till 1130 ish, then i gave up and went to bed. 30 min later i get
Angela, Amber, and Cathy beating, yes BEATING, at my door. So its outta bed for me, run to the spot for some munchies,
then back to the dorm for a girls nite of Van Wilder watchin. Once again i'd like to mention that his arms are soooooooooo
yummy! So at about 2-3ish i was back in bed.
Thursday November 13th
Wow today was cool! Ok didn't go to psych... :-/ didn't sleep well last night and i had a quiz in math so i had an excuse.
First nite in like 3- 4 weeks that i had to share a room....interesting i guess i was spoiled :-p, so used to havin the place
to myself and all....I think i did ok on my quiz, we'll see. Well I forgot to mention yesterday that i talked to my
Best Buddy, ya know the organization that pairs up mentally challenged college students with "normal" ones. Shes so
nice...:-D Got the first party on Saturday for best buddies, should be fun. Got nothing to do friday...saturday
got nothing but that, and sunday i may go to Bri's if i'm up to driving....not gonna have a computer this weekend!!!! Dunno
what i'm gonna do....NO suitemates, no roomates, no computer...talk about a death wish! Went to PHA Karaoke...haha that
was a blast! Sang so many songs....I think Melissa and Lori were havin a lil too much fun makin me sing Baby Got Back,
Bad Touch, All or Nothing, Achy Breaky Heart...and i think there was more. One of the girls made a comment that wasn't
too nice...dunno what sorority she was in tho, she was a Rho Gamma (sp?) Oh well, everyones guilty of sayin things they shouldn't
at times i guess. Got back from that and i was borededed, went over to friends dorm, bought some girl scout
cookies. Went and found Angela all curled up depressed in bed, decided to cheer her up, so i dragged her to the commons
with Maria, laughed giggled girl chat it was funny :-p came back to the dorm, writing in this, bout ready to fall asleep
at the computer. Guess this is my cue to go. And Cathy if you read this-STOP MAKIN ME WALK TO CLASS WITH YOU...haha you know
i'm teasin, just not when its this windy out. A lot of ppl told me i looked pretty today I love things like that kinda
makes ya smile :-D
Wednesday November 12th
I have to make sure not to OFFENED neone in this...freedom of speech my ass! Hmmm my online journal and I can't
even speak my mind....well ya know what....is anyone making him read this no! is anyone makin him make up his stupid spybot
sns and read my away messages no? Is anyone makin him talk to my friends and my boys NO! Stupidness i swear! Kinda
pissed, no kinda REALLY pissed, no REALLY pissed, no REALLY REALLY PISSED! Anger building......new topic. Seems everyone
is now tryin to find me a boy toy, bun, date, guy...whatever you wanna call it, theres definetly a few potentials...we'll
see. I guess its cool, just kinda in the mood to date....if i find something else/someone else then cool, but no expectations....I've
realised that i am completely terrified to start another relationship. I seriously started shakin the other day just
thinkin about it. This whole thing has been a rollercoaster, in the beginning i wanted so bad to get outta a relationship...then
i wanted another one right away....and now its like i'm just so scared....all that stuff involved. Another thing that
i realised that freaks me out is anger. Like when i see on t.v. a guy gettin mad at a girl it really just upsets me.
And when i think about how being in a relationship would open up the possibility of fights it seriously jsut gives me
the heebie jeebies....I don't know how i will i react the next time a guy yells at me, just thinkin about it makes me
wanna go hide....i guess they whole thing has had a bigger effect on me then i first thought....i never thought that that
would happen to me, ya know :-/ Next time i'll keep my eyes open and try to be a lil wiser....yeah, next time. I
dunno if its that i don't trust myself, or that I don't think i could take puttin my heart out like that again....everyguy
i've ever dated has treated my like crap, EVERY SINGLE ONE! And if your reading this going "no i didn't" YES YOU DID!
So, i was thinkin (ya i've been tryin to do that a lot lately) and i've come to realise that (like dr.phil says) they do that
cuz i allow them too.....if i want respect i gotta demand it, actions speak louder then words...A LOT LOUDER! My friends
are havin guy troubles...makes me so glad to be single...but then they make up, and i see them so cute and they are like "i
love you baby, goodnite"...ya thats the stuff i miss....the i love yous and the kisses good nite and the holding hands...bittersweet....someday,
ya someday....(soon?) ha ha i SOOOOOOOOO just contradicted myself!
Tuesday November 11th
New roomie is all moved in today, well almost. She seems really cool, and nice. Wow! That is definitly an
improvement. Guess what Ranielle, Carol, Kathy, and I saw outside the window over at Harbor Hall? A couple DOIN IT!....hahaha
it was funny. We sat there out the window for a good 15 min laughin our asses off. Learn to close the windows
GEEZ! Carol took a pic of teh 3 of us starrin :-D Wonder if his tounge was burning :-P "You guys are peepin toms!"-Carol
"We aren't peepin toms, they are exabitionist!"-Me "This is like HBO." -Ranielle "They need to close their blinds so we
stop watchin!" -Kathy. Oh and in the room below then there was a hottie. So well all yelled for him to take
his shirt off, and he did (no he didn't hear us) Unfortuntly he had another shirt on underneath, we held for him
to take that one off too but he didn't :-( Anywayz, one conclusion i've come to is that DINING HALL FOOD SUCKS! I'm so
sick of it yucky! Had a psych exam today, think i did quite well...**crosses fingers** O yay we decorated the common
room with Navita's lights...ya amazing this roomate actually contributes stuff to our dorm....
Monday November 10th
Today was interesting. Met my new roomie, she seems to nice! I went to ALL my classes today, no wait i didn't
go to English, i electronically sent my paper in tho, so thats all that counts O:-D Ha Ha Angela and i had a lil to
drink (not much seriously) i was a lil hyper tho so yeah ya know. Ha ha found out that "someone" wants to do me, "He
wants to do you, he wants to do you!"-Kathy "See don't you like how I slid that in there? Now you know he wants to do you!"-Angela
"Why are we so excited that he wants to do Mandy?"-Carol He wants to do me!!! Sweet :-P THANKS ANGELA! :-p Not
gonna name names, too bad not really interested in him nemore tho, he got boring haha and he's kinda short. I really
need to work on that, i have this habit of gettin tired and bored with guys REALLY easy, they just lose my attention and i'm
like NEXT! :-p i'm so mean, honest but mean. Plus how hard is it to find a college guy that wants to do some girl.
Thats not the hard part, the difficulty comes in when you try and find a guy whos lookin for more then that! Ha when i find
him, oh yeah then i will settle down, til then its fun being single, well not that much fun, cuz thats just
wrong and whorish! :-p Differnt strokes for differnt folks. There really are some sluts around this campus...i
mean seriously tho, come on now...meep meep, but not just HER, theres a lot! A lot of man whores too....i yi yi, this
journal entry has turned into a tangent on the ruffness of finding a guy in college who is actually lookin to settle down...whys
it got to be so hard man? Thats all i'm askin for. HELP A SISTA OUT!
"Showers are for single use, and not for self love"
"You suck, and thats sad"-poster on common room wall
Sunday November 9th
Woke up....packed....left....walmart.....Burger King....Best Buy....Campus. Got my Christmas present from Dad early.
Its a new car stereo Sony X-Plode...sweet.....OMG! Ok You know how wednesday Cathy and the other RAs had a lil thingy on "Condoms
Condoms Condoms" (no pun intended)....ya well when i left my dorm Friday i was in such a rush i didn't think to put them in
the drawer....and today my dad and lil sister insisted on walkin me up to my dorm when i got back.....yay um they were sittin
RIGHT THERE! SO i was like ok um "give me 5 sec to clean my dorm real quick" Ran in and thru them in my desk....Ha Ha
my dad saw the stuff on the dry erase board, about me and my boy toys....haha and he saw the sign Ariana put up about "Is
your tongue burning" haha o yeah i'm such a good lil girl :-D
Saturday November 8th
Lil sis's soccer tourney in the mountains, freakin cold...they lost so sad...time for indoor...visited g-parents, it
was fun, i miss stuff like that ya know?!?! Total lunar eclipes....man something about lookin at the stars that makes
me really miss having a guy....:-/ eventually someone will realise just how good a catch i am...till them...i'll wait
Friday November 7th
Home again......Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!
Man I forgot how yummy Key guys are....Football team won 56-6, o yay tough game
Not gonna have a laptop for 7-10 days...COMPUTER WITHDRAW!
Thursday November 6th
We de-beaker-ized! And i broke my lap top! Ha, went to Cellular Biology class with Cathy today...ya that was interesting....i
fell asleep. Completly rearranged my room, and teh common room...we stole a love seat oopsies haha
Wednesday November 5th
SHE MOVED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats all i gotta say :-D
Went to an event called "Condoms, Condoms, Condoms". Got a blue one, a black one, a strawberry one, and a normal
Tuesday November 4th
Ok, i'm writing this on Saturday....shhh don't tell! What did i do Tuesday....Oh i wrote some kick ass poems...but then
i was so stupid i um kinda closed out word without savin them....
Monday November 3rd
HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! Today was MEGA busy.....I LOVED IT! I have been runnin round since 8am! Got up early to
cram for my exam....ya didn't really go that way. I decided it would be more fun to curl my hair! So i studied a lil,
then went to french, no teach today he had somthing to go to, so we all worked in our presentation groups for 10 min.
Then i left. Sat by the pond to study, think i got sunburnt...no seriously it was in the 80s today! Then i went
to my exam.....we aren't gonna discuss this any further. Came back to the dorm long enuf to drop off my books.
Ran to the Commons for bake sale, sold some cookies, ran to english. Peer review not til Wednesday, final due Friday
(there is a god)! English sucked major ass! Oh during the bake sale someone, who shall remain nameless, went into
the bookstore and stared at me through the glass. FREAKY! Then from english the gang and i went to din din.
Then after dinner we all went to a beer googlin thingy. Yes i know its spelled goggle! I sooooooooo could not
walk a straight line, but somehow riding a bike wasn't that hard...humf! Melissa was able to ride that bike a lil TOO
well if ya know what i mean :-p! Right after that i had an RSA rep meeting, ya that was LONG. But it was funny,
cuz Dom , Ashley and Josh are funny. Then after that i had my CAB meeting, it was short and sweet. Now i come
back to the dorm and i'm about ready to PASS OUT! Ranielle and Carol won't donate their bfs to give me a massage.
My legs hurt, and my right one is bending the wrong way, not good. Carol says its from F&*^in all day. BUT
6 days left til my single suite (atleast for a lil) WHOS GONNA HELP ME CELEBRATE O:-)!?!?!?!?!
Sunday November 2nd
Today was busy. I went shoppin and made muffins for the Best Buddies bake sale tomarrow. Yay, that was fun
considering we had no measuring cups, spoons,or oven mits......Harbor Hall is really nice. One thing i learned at din
din tonight is that Cathy really does know EVERYONE. I made the mistake of pointing out a guy that went to my HS with that
is mega deliciously yummy, and she of course knew him, went up to him, and geez haha my face had to of been bright red.
Apparently she wants to take me out clubbing now, that shall be interesting. Cathy's tryin to convince me there are
guys out there that aren't only after sex. Ha! i'll believe it when i see it. Angela, Ariana (AKA God) and i watched
Unfaithful....for the 3rd day in a row....everytime u see a lil more, and get one more clue. "Is your tounge burning?"
(thats for you ariana :-p ) People have this habit of gettin on my laptop and talkin to ppl on my buddylist...even my
lil sister does it....hmmmm I must say it was nice to have an awesome weekend, then again this was a pretty awesome week,
i think everything has just clicked into place....Worried though, this is where the bottom usually drops out. Dunno if i could
take nemore bad things happeneing this semester.
Saturday November 1st
Woke up at noon to Angela iming me like crazy! Thats an annoying sound when you are trying to sleep!!!!!
I was a good girl today. I did research for my paper. 2 hours of reading published psychological studies on college
suicide and depression! Well I got all that done, but when it came to writing the actual paper....i opened Microsoft
Word, doesn't that count? I just need a "ok" draft for Monday, the final is due Wednesday. I think it is actually
gonna be a pretty good paper, if i could only find some time to work on it.....tomarrow will be busy, monday-lets not even
discuss monday. So i guess Tuesday.....This weekend is flying by, thats a first!
Friday October 31st
Happy Halloween!!!!! The pumpkin I carved was a WINNER! I dressed Halloweeny today :-p Ha ha ha today was
soo much fun. I'm just gonna copy my away message i have up tonight that should explain it all!:
Mandy: My Virgin Eyes! Angela: Ha, uh huh riiight **smack** ~Talkin about the
"porno" scenes in Unfaithful!~ Havin WAY TOO MUCH FUN! Ain't nothing like stayin up til 3am watchin movies! Angela stole
my computer and wouldn't let me talk to neone!>:o RYAN REYNOLDS IS THE SEXIEST MAN ON EARTH!!!! His arms are just mm
mmm mmm! Me: God I just wanna play with his hair! Angela: I wanna play with his something else! If you heard screamin
it wasn't cuz we were scirrd its cuz he took his shirt off!!! Cathy: What are you drinkin ur giggly tonight? Me: Nothing
hes soooo hot! Look at the arms. THE ARMS!!!!!!! Angela: What would you do if you woke up next to that? Me:NEVER get
out of bed EVER! O:-)
Yes I agree a lil Ryan Reynolds crazy-I've been single for too long! Ha, its only been about 2 months so not really.
The pimpette juice is definetly starting to work its magic again. Damn i rememeber the summer between my Junior and
senior year....o yay that was awesome......i'll stop now!
Thursday October 30th
I didn't go to class today at all today. :-D And amazingly I wasn't that sore from yesterday....must do twice as much
next time. Other then that really didn't do that much today...got my student loan things figured out, well sorta, i
still don't understand it. I carved a pumpkin, made a spider on it that was fun. Oh, Cathy's lil brother
is sooooooooo cute! Wanna hear a funny story? Ok...Ranielle squirted me with her water bottle in the common room. So
it was war! I grabbed my water bottle and got her back. Ran outta the room down the hall, turned the corner, and SHIT!
Cathy was there...oopsies :-D Keep in mind that it was 11:45 and quiet hours start at 10 pm....Oh and Ranielle had sucessfully
drenched both sides of the hall way with water (she has bad aim)! Kathy from inside hi guy's dorm yells "You tell them Cathy!"
Carol is an incourager! SO now we owe Cathy a bulletin board, we wanna do one on pick up lines. BTW: check out our dry
erase board on the dorm room door for some good ones! So there we were completely drenched laughing out asses off.
Just another fun night around the dorm!
Wednesday October 29th
Ok i was a VERY good girl today. I went to french AND econ! I went to english too, we can forget the whole
sneakin out of the library 10 min into class thing **halo shines** Yay, that was fun. But then i got a nice lil headache
and wanted to rip my eyes out. All better went to the gym, i told you i was a goodgirl. Mega workout on the stepper,
and the bike. Came back to the dorm decided i needed to do more. 50 pushups and 200 crunches later, i was done.
BUT, i went to the SEB movie, Pirates of the Carribean-Orlando Bloom **melts**. Speaking of melting, guess who was wearing
his orange sweater today (y'all from back home know who i'm talkin about ;-) ) Haha yes HE is the REAL reason i came
to this school!!!!!!!!!! Ok so the movie was HELLA long, but good, i laughed. O and Kathy is a biyatch! She got
a hug from my man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid Island Pacificers! But its all good :-p
O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O, my mommie sent me mail today. Candy, card, care package....almost made me cry. Another shout out
to all my friends that have cheered me up these past 4 days, LUV YOU GUYS! I yi yi i'm gonna be so sore tomarrow, and
i am gonna be busy all day......what was i thinkin?!?!?